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Emerging Technologies in Instructional Design Technology

I'm writing my final blog post for Instructional Design Technology class as my husband drives on Highway 599 South from Taos, New Mexico to Santa Fe. The Rio Grande is flowing freely to my right side and mountains surround us. It is interesting that I am writing about technology in a place where I don't even have a signal on my phone! The assignment this week is to consider emerging technologies for IDT and select then reflect on three of them as I would use them in my current positions. I have selected Web 2.0 technologies, rich media, and digital games. As an elementary librarian I not only design instruction for my students, I also collaborate with teachers and help them find new, interesting ways to teach their students. In both aspects, I employ Web 2.0 technologies. This past year, my first as a librarian, I collaborated with a third-grade teacher on a writing assignment. She was looking for a new way for her students to publish their work. I was able to suggest a web tec

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