Web 2.0 Tools - The future is here.

Final blog reflection on Web 2.0 tools (for ETEC 527

For years in education we've heard whispers of technology taking over the classroom. That students will have personalized instruction given to them through a computer instead of from a teacher. That dream (or nightmare) has become a reality, but not in the way that I believe people envisioned it. 

Instead of teachers being put out of jobs or becoming strictly babysitters, they are the architects of the lessons. Each student is now able to have a personalized path provided to them based on their strengths and weaknesses. They have the ability to create and learn in a hands on manner that previously would have taken too long or cost too much money. 

Web 2.0 tools bring students and teachers together. They provides customized information at one's fingertips. Honestly, it is difficult to wrap my brain around all of the different types of tools that are available now. Almost anything you can dream of is out there and exists. Most of them even offer free versions. The possibilities are endless. The task now is for educators to know about them and use them! 

There are some pitfalls to relying on Web 2.0 technology. The first is that you must have the hardware in order to use the technology. While most schools are updating their technology and adding more computers to classes, there are still many districts that are struggling to keep up. 

Another pitfall is that most Web 2.0 technology doesn't interface well with traditional education grading systems. I hope in the future that we will be able to bring all web tools together to work as one system that provides flawless integration into the classroom as well as the report card. 


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