The return of Vanity

Six weeks ago I wrote a blog about a Vanity search I had done for an assignment in my Ed Tech 527 - Web 2.0 class.  In that blog I enjoyed the fact that I didn't have much of a cyber footprint. I included pictures of people with my name who are apparently a little more famous than I am. It was a fun experiment.

Over the last several weeks I tried to have more a web presence by using Twitter and Youtube among other things. I was hoping when I came back to search again that I would actually find myself. Luckily for me this was not an existential quest, because I came up almost empty handed.

I searched multiple search engines and used every name I've ever gone by and any combination of them that I could think of.

I searched:
Kelly Parsons: See 1980's Mousketeer and Crime Novelist
Kelly D. Parsons: #38 on google images from a website called Peekyou. Doesn't sound safe to me.
Kelly Hinkle Parsons: YAY!!!! My facebook page comes up! I do exist!! Crisis averted! My blog shows up as well as several reviews I've written over the years. Unfortunately my neither my twitter nor my weebly showed up.
Kelly8tx (my username on several sites): More reviews pop up and several friends who I follow on Twitter showed up. I'm a little confused by this one.

Overall I still have work to do. I'm glad that I am finally showing up now. It feels good to exist on the web.


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