The Adventure Continues - Vanity Search

For our first assignment in Course 527: Web 2.0 Technologies we were tasked with doing a vanity search in order to see what our digital footprint looks like. My digital footprint is very light. You have to know just what to search to be able to find me on the web and even then there are very few accurate results. 

I believe there are a few reasons why I don't have a very big digital footprint, at least publicly. First, while I am on social media I keep most of my photos and posts private or accessible to friends only. Next, there are a couple of fairly famous people who share my name and the majority of posts are about them. 

Not me! (Author of Under the Knife)
When I searched "Kelly Parsons" the first post was about an author with the same name who has a newly published book. The next entry was a lady who used to be a Mouseketeer and was also Miss California 1985. When I did an image search of my name there were 80 images before you came to a picture of me, which is from my Linked In account. When you look at videos they are mostly of my blonde counterpart from the 1970's and 80's. 
Not me! (Mouseketeer)

When I added my maiden name "Kelly Hinkle Parsons" more results appear.  I'm the first one on the image search but there is only one of me from Linked in. When you look at the regular google results most of the entries are either my facebook page or links to reviews that I have written over the years.  

I took out my maiden name and added my middle initial and garnered similar results. This time more pictures of Jim Parsons and Gram Parsons showed up, which was a nice surprise. 

Overall I don't really show up. I'm not sure if I should be happy with this result or if I should try to make more of an impact. One thing I do know is that I need to start thinking of a different name to publish my partially written novel someday (in my dreams) because apparently my name is already taken!

From LinkedIn
This is actually me!


  1. How funny. I didn't realize that your name was so common. The Mouseketeer picture is cute. I always wanted to be one!!


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