Twitter or not?

My adventure this week took me into the world of Twitter. I have had a twitter account for many years now but must confess that I rarely use it. I just don't see a place for it in my life. Up until this point in time, I used it only to see what celebrities were doing and saying. Since I'm in a place in my life right now where celebrity isn't that appealing I just never really did much with it.

This week we're we're tasked with finding articles about evaluating Web 2.0 technologies. I had a difficult time finding articles that were about evaluating the technology instead of the integration of technology.  I tweeted a few of my misses and my hits with the hashtag #etec527 so that my peers and professor could find my posts. The only interaction I received was from the professor who thought my post about an article from 1998 was awesome! I do have to admit that was kind of fun, but honestly, I don't really see how twitter would be an effective way to communicate for any educational purpose.

When I would go check my twitter I would become easily distracted by some celebrity post or link. I didn't find anything truly valuable from my peers either. There seem to be better and more accurate ways to share information with others. As an elementary teacher and librarian twitter is a complete waste because those students don't even have social media accounts. I see Pinterest as a better way of sharing important ideas and information. Facebook is a better forum for building relationships. Google is a better place to store documents and work on projects together. I just don't really see where or how twitter fits in. I'm interested in hearing others ideas of how they can make twitter work for their educational goals.


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