Aggregating Pages

After about an hour of playing with Netvibes I gave up and moved on to another task. This morning I decided to try Protopage and it was so much easier to use. It's more intuitive and does what I want it to do. I love that I can customize the way it looks. It would be nice if their page was more appealing and streamlined. I was initially put off my the late 90's looking web page, but it turned out to be much easier to use and to customize. 

Netvibes looked sleeker and easier to use on the surface, but it was difficult to move widgets around and to customize them in order to fit my vision. 

At first, I wasn't sure if I was going to like using an aggregated page, but I like having all my resources in the same place. I will definitely tell people about this and how it makes life easier. 

Below are images of the two sites. As you can tell I was able to flesh out my Protopage much more than the Netvibes page. Every time I go back to Protopages I tend to discover something else I want to add! 




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